Kangana Ranaut, comes from a small town in Mandi district in Himachal Pradesh, has denied her interest in electoral politics. But if she does contest an election, the actor appeared to suggest, it would not be from Himachal Pradesh but from a place that is more complex.
The actress was responding to a tweet that predicted that she will contest the by-polls to the Mandi Lok Sabha seat, a reference to the death of the sitting MP Ram Swaroop Sharma. Reacting to his tweet, Kangana wrote, "I was given the option of Gwalior during 2019 Loksabha elections, HP population is hardly 60/70 lakhs, no poverty/crime. If I get into politics I want a state with complexities I can work on and be the Queen I am in that field also. Small fry like you won’t understand big talks."
Mark my tweet ! @KanganaTeam will fight bye election from Mandi Lok Sabha Constituency.
— Dr. Chiguru Prashanth (@prashantchiguru) March 17, 2021
अब मंडी लोकसभा क्षेत्र से उप चुनाव की तैयारी करेगी कंगना रनौत
Kangna further added, "Every fool that is trying to milk tragedy that took place in HP with regards to one of the politicians death today. Must read this and see my level before doing small talks about me.Remember when you talk about Babbar Sherni Rajputana Kangana Ranaut. No small talks only big talks."
Every fool that is trying to milk tragedy that took place in HP with regards to one of the politicians death today. Must read this and see my level before doing small talks about me.Remember when you talk about Babbar Sherni Rajputana Kangana Ranaut. No small talks only big talks https://t.co/gvFP8EYNuk
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) March 17, 2021