Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar today met Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in Lucknow. The actor is shooting for his upcoming action-adventure drama "Ram Setu" in Ayodhya. Akshay kumar went to Ramlala temple in ayodhya for offering his prayers and do the muhurat shot there.
आज श्री अयोध्या जी में फ़िल्म "रामसेतु" के शुभारंभ पर भगवान श्री राम का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त हुआ।
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) March 18, 2021
जय श्री राम!#RamSetu @Asli_Jacqueline @Nushrratt @Abundantia_Ent @LycaProductions @primevideoin @vikramix @ShikhaaSharma03#AbhishekSharma#DrChandraprakashDwivedi#CapeOfGoodFilms
"Ram Setu" is produced by Kumar's Cape of Good Films, Abundantia Entertainment, Lyca Productions and Amazon Prime Video. The film's shoot is spread across multiple schedules over the next few months, with 80 per cent of the filming planned in Mumbai.
The film, directed by Abhishek Sharma of "Parmanu" and "Tere Bin Laden" fame, stars Kumar in the role of an archaeologist.
Akshay has met Yogi on different occasions over the past few years. Back in December 2020, Kumar met Yogi in Mumbai where the politician was present to launch Rs 200 crores Lucknow Municipal bond at the Bombay Stock Exchange.
In September, last year, the CM had expressed intentions to set up the country’s ‘biggest’ film city in the Gautam Buddha Nagar district, including the twin cities of Noida and Greater Noida.