OnePlus 7 was launched in India in May, and the 6GB RAM variant was made available in a Mirror Grey, while the 8GB RAM variant was made available in both Mirror Grey and Red colour options. Now, the company has announced a new Mirror Blue colour option for the OnePlus 7. This new variant will be launched during the Amazon Prime Day sale on July 15. Amazon has also listed the new OnePlus 7 Mirror Blue colour option on a dedicated page, and has even made the ‘Notify Me' button live.
The OnePlus 7 Mirror Blue colour option will go on sale at 12am IST (midnight) on July 15 via Amazon India, exclusively for Amazon Prime customers. We have reached out to OnePlus for confirmation about when the new colour variant will be made available for non-Prime customers, and will edit this space when we hear back. The Amazon listing confirms that the new variant will be available in 6GB RAM + 128GB storage option, and that it will be priced at Rs. 32,999. Amazon Prime Day launch offers include Rs. 1,750 cashback for HDFC credit and debit card holders. The OnePlus 7 Pro will be available with a Rs. 3,500 cashback for HDFC Bank credit and debit card holders. The OnePlus 7 will be available offline from June 20.
The OnePlus 7 6GB RAM option is currently only available in Mirror Grey, but on Prime Day, it will be available in Mirror Blue as well. The 8GB RAM variant is priced at Rs. 37,999 and is available in Mirror Grey and Red colour option. Describing the new colour, OnePlus India in a press statement said, "The OnePlus 7 Mirror Blue has been designed to reflect the calm of a deep blue ocean. To achieve this, the phone has been bi-directional double layered coating which lends a surreal effect as light flows over it."
Apart from the different colour option, the OnePlus 7 Mirror Blue colour option's specifications are all the same. The dual-SIM (Nano) OnePlus 7 runs OxygenOS based on Android 9.0 Pie, and it sports a 6.41-inch full-HD+ (1080x2340 pixels) Optic AMOLED display. The smartphone is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 SoC, coupled with the Adreno 640 GPU.
The OnePlus 7 features a dual rear camera setup, consisting of a 48-megapixel Sony IMX586 sensor as its primary camera, with an f/1.7 aperture, 1.6-micron pixels (4-in-1), optical image stabilisation (OIS), electronic image stabilisation (EIS), and phase detection autofocus (PDAF). The secondary camera features a 5-megapixel sensor with an f/2.4 aperture and 1.12-micron pixels. The rear camera setup is accompanied by a dual-LED flash module.The front camera of the OnePlus 7 bears the same 16-megapixel Sony IMX471 sensor as the OnePlus 7 Pro.
Connectivity options on the OnePlus 7 include 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth v5.0, NFC, GPS/ A-GPS, and a USB Type-C (v3.1 Gen 1) port that also doubles as the headphone port. The OnePlus 7 runs on a 3,700mAh battery, the same capacity as the OnePlus 6T, with the same 20W (5V/ 4A) fast charging. It has dimensions of 157.7x74.8x8.2mm, weighs 182 grams, and its back panel is constructed of Gorilla Glass 6.