Know about of DR Congo's deadly vipers

[Edited By: Gaurav]

Friday, 5th July , 2019 12:43 pm


Amid the swathes of forest that cover the country, and behind the headlines of war and Ebola, the Democratic Republic of Congo is at the forefront of a hidden health crisis.With vast jungles home to numerous species of venomous snakes, DR Congo is a hotspot of injury and death from snakebite envenomation, an issue highlighted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Médecins Sans Frontières as a neglected crisis for Africa.
As many as 2.7 million people are poisoned by snakes every year, resulting in between 81,000 and 137,000 deaths, with many more amputations and permanent disabilities, according to a recent WHO report.

Years of conflict and political corruption have crippled much of DR Congo's infrastructure and mean that stocks of anti-venom are scarce or nearly impossible to distribute. With an overlap between the prime habitats for venomous snakes and a rural populace, a lack of access to specialised health care can be deadly.

nakes are often caught in the fishermen's nets on the Congo River, so care is taken when checking to see if there has been a catch.

"By maintaining a calm environment and by remaining very still on the ground, I was able to make portraits a couple of feet from the snakes," he says.

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