Four compelling reasons not to eat in bed

[Edited By: Gaurav]

Friday, 7th June , 2019 05:34 pm

Even if you do not have a TV in your room, Netflix is ??surely on your laptop and your phone. And after a long tiring day, what's better than lying in bed watching Netflix and eating your favorite French fries? It sounds divine, does not it?
Eating in bed seems to be convenient in many situations, especially when you are tired or feeling lazy, but it hurts your health, not one but in many ways.
The occasional breakfast in bed can be fun, but turning it into a habit is not good.
We give you here four compelling reasons that will prevent you from eating in your bed next time:

Sleep health

Eating in the same bed where you sleep can have an impact on your sleep. If you indulge in activities such as watching TV or eating sitting on the bed, you will have the mind to believe that the bed is not a peaceful and uninterrupted sleep place. Eating in your bed encourages disruptive sleep patterns, resulting in a sleep deficit.

Make bed fertile ground for germs and bacteria

Keeping your bed sheet and mattress clean is not an easy task, especially if you eat in bed every day. This makes your bed a breeding ground for bacteria and germs. We must change their sheets frequently to avoid the multiplication of bacteria on the space of your sleep.

You are distracted

Eating in bed makes you subject to distractions. We all know that when we are distracted, we tend to overeat. You do not really listen to your body when you're inside a comfortable blanket with a bowl of noodles between your hands and Netflix in front of you, which makes you forget about portion control.

Unwanted guests

Eating in bed can attract ants or cockroaches. Even the smallest of spills can lead to a ramp of ants climbing on your bed sheet. You do not want that.


Unless you are hurt or sick, you should try eating on a dining table or on the floor, cross-legged and not on the bed.

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