Drinking Pot matka water is better in summers

[Edited By: Admin]

Thursday, 2nd May , 2019 04:26 pm

Desi Fridge called as Matka or Pot is seen very few in houses nowadays. It is better to drink pot water instead of drinking cold water in the refrigerator during the summer. According to experts, soil has the ability to fight against many diseases. Therefore, the water kept in pot or matka keeps us healthy. There are many benefits associated with drinking pot or matka water, let's know -

  • Maintains Strong Immunity - Drinking regularly matka water gives immunity to the body's and the ability to fight diseases.
  • Balance of PH in water - Soil properties in Matka water Affects with acid in water and the basic quality present in the soil gives proper PH balance.
  • Getting rid of acidity - drinking matka or pot water gives relief from abdominal pain as well as acute acidity.
  • Keeping the throat fine- Drinking cold water from the fridge, affects the heat of throat cells suddenly falls and the throat gets worse. While the pot water gives soothing relief on the throat.

Keep these things in mind while buying a Matka Pot -

  • When buying Matka, try playing it lightly from some coins. If there is a loud sound of tons from it coming out, that means the pot is made up of good quality and is not broken.
  • If there is any glow on any type of matkka, then do not buy it. There is no shine on traditionally made soil pot or matka. Color or varnish are used for such glows, which is harmful to the health.

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